The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the most supreme organ of the Association. This organ is composed of all paid-up members of the Association.
The AGM is called by the sitting Council once every year. This organ elects members of the Council during the AGM to serve a one year term of office. In the AGM, Council presents its annual progressive report, accountabilities, annual schedule and budget for the next financial year to the AGM for approval before implementation. The Association has so far organized 23 AGMs since its founding in 1993.
The Council
The Council positions are voluntary and elections are conducted during the AGM. Elected members are eligible for a one year term of service. Council oversees the day-to-day operations of the Association run by the Secretariat. It (Council) is comprised of 9 members, with Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary-General and Honorary Treasurer as office bearers. Council works through and supervises a full time Secretariat to effectively fulfill its mandate and responsibilities.
Council is supported by three Committees of Finance and Administration, Publicity and Public Relations and, Capacity Building and Continuous Professional Development.
The Secretariat
Council is supported by a full time Secretariat that sits at the association’s official premises. The Secretariat is young but steadily growing in both number and Capacity.